The Elior Group 2014-2015 #TimeSavored Activity Report was designed in collaboration with the Content Design Lab agency and the Elior Group communications, investor-relations and legal teams.
By choosing Instagram for its 2014-2015 Activity Report, Elior Group adopted an innovative approach on the form: the Activity Report opens with an overview of feedback given by six web influencers in the form of photos and hashtags on the #TimeSavored customer experience, in five countries (France, Italy, Spain, UK, USA).
Group Vice-President Communications, Frédéric Fougerat stated, “This award given to Elior Group is an acknowledgement of the Group’s digital strategy. Launching an activity report on Instagram is not just a gimmicky marketing trick. In an increasingly digital world where consumers are relying more and more on smartphone notifications for access to information, Instagram has become a fully-fledged social media marketing tool. Going digital offers new ways for us to present the Group, communicate information and enhance our brand image.”