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  • 17 December 2021
    Universal registration document (annual report)

    Elior Group 2020-2021 registration document filed

  • 06 December 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on November 30 2021

  • 24 November 2021
    Universal registration document (annual report)

    Sharp rebound in the fourth quarter leading to positive outlook for 2021–2022 and beyond, with strong ambitions for 2024

  • 04 November 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on October 31 2021

  • 07 October 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on September 30 2021

  • 27 September 2021
    Other regulated information

    Reduction of capital by cancellation of treasury shares

  • 06 September 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on August 31 2021

  • 04 August 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on July 31 2021

  • 28 July 2021
    Press releases

    A gradual recovery paced by the evolving health situation

  • 08 July 2021
    Other regulated information

    Elior Group successfully completes the refinancing of its senior debt, thus extending its maturity while diversifying its sources of funding

  • 06 July 2021
    Information relating to the liquidity contract

    Half-year statement of the liquidity contract

  • 06 July 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on June 30 2021

  • 01 July 2021
    Other regulated information

    Elior Group Announces Pricing of Senior Unsecured Notes and New Senior Bank Debt

  • 28 June 2021
    Other regulated information

    Elior Group Announces Offering of Senior Unsecured Notes and New Senior Bank Debt

  • 01 June 2021
    Monthly statement on share capital and voting rights

    Monthly information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on May 31 2021