" Aimer sa Terre "

Forging a powerful bond and getting the best from it. Producing food responsibly, from the land to the table. And offering sustainable services. 
Preserving its resources and respecting it at every step of the chain. 
Supporting a responsible economy and maintaining a virtuous circle for Life. 
Cultivating talent and difference and fertilising potential within a rich and symbiotic ecosystem. 
Also means feeding and serving, living together and sharing…

Outlook for 2030

Preserving Resources

Taking action against climate change 
Reducing food waste by 50%
Opting for sustainable disposable packaging

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Sustainable Food and Service

Offering sustainable 
Offering controlled 
services and a safe 
and balanced food 
Acting in the public interest

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Cultivating Talent and Difference

Ensuring staff safety and well-being 
Encouraging career
Strengthening social 

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Supporting a Responsible Economy

Sourcing purchases 
Buying sustainable and ethical products and services

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Committing to the Transition

Science based targetsIn order to define and monitor science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, enabling us to make an effective contribution to limiting global warming.

Global compactIn 2004, Elior Group joined the Global Compact, signing up to its ten principles for human rights, the environment, labour standards and the fight against corruption.


Global Coalition for Animal WelfareBy founding the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare in 2018, alongside the biggest names in the food industry we established our commitment to taking animal welfare into consideration throughout the supply chain.

Food Waste coalitionElior Group is a member of the coalition of players in hospitality and food services, the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC), which regularly tests innovative solutions to reduce food waste.

Carbon disclosure platforElior has a B rating on this international environmental disclosure platform, which collects data on environmental impact to encourage transparency.

Outlook for 2030

- 1/4

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions


Sustainable packaging


of recipes with a Nutri-Score of A or B (or equivalent)


Training hours per employee


of managers to be promoted from within the group


of female committee leaders


workplace accident


Food waste