- The approval of the corporate and consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2015-2016,
- The payment of a €0.42 dividend per share for the fiscal year 2015-2016, i.e. an increase of 31% compared to the preceding fiscal year, to be paid on April 12, 2017 (ex-dividend date: April 10, 2017) – dividend per share was €0.32 for 2014-2015 and €0.20 for 2013-2014,
- The amendment of the commitment to pay a termination benefit to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
- The ratification of the appointment by cooptation of Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec as member of the Board of Directors,
- The delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to undertake various capital increases, with or without preemptive subscription right, if decided and within a given period of time, under the conditions prescribed by law.
The meeting, in an advisory capacity, issued a negative opinion (36.9%) on the fifth resolution regarding the components of the compensation of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for 2015-2016. Taking note of this opinion, Philippe Salle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, asked the Board of Directors to assess the reasons for this vote and analyze the shareholders’ expectations, and to meet in the near future in order to deliberate, after consultation with the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, over what further actions will be considered.
Elior Group has taken note of the rejection of the resolution related to the capital increase as consideration for shares and/or other securities contributed to the company in transactions other than public tender offers (twelfth resolution) and will comply with this vote.