To ensure that every meal time is a moment of pleasure for our guests and that all of our meals are nutritionally good, Elior strives to provide each of its four million daily guests with the healthiest, most balanced and responsible recipes possible.

Nutritional expertise

To design its offers, the Group draws on the expertise of its team of 476 nutritionists who follow globally recognized nutritional recommendations (such as the World Health Organization), as well as those in the countries where it operates, such as the National Health Nutrition Plan in France and the Strategy for Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention (NAOS) in Spain. 

Our best practices

Partnerships with chefs

By forging partnerships with renowned chefs such as Olivier Da Silva, France Franco, Elior has put together a diversified and distinguished team of culinary experts.

Personalized offers

Offers adapted to the very specific needs of our different communities of guests. The Nutriage offer in Italy has thus been designed so that seniors can feed themselves with pleasure, independently and for as long as possible, regardless of their state of health.

Vegetarian recipes

In Spain, chefs have been trained in the specificities of vegetarian cuisine. The goal is for them to acquire the necessary skills to offer balanced recipes adapted to the tastes of vegetarians, vegans or flexitarians.

vegetarian diets

In France, the Education and Health entity has published a book on vegetarian cooking to promote the benefits of this diet and to share vegetarian recipes that can be easily made at home. 

Reduce our
carbon footprint

In order to achieve the ambition of reducing its carbon footprint per meal by 12% by 2025, the Group is committed to reducing the carbon impact of its meals by offering more vegetarian dishes (no meat or fish) and by substituting the most carbon-emitting proteins, such as beef, with other less carbon-intensive ones, such as chicken or vegetables. 

Carbon and climate strategy

 Participate in the transition to less carbon-intensive activities.

Learn more