As a source of innovation, the circular economy now plays a driving role in the transformation of contract catering businesses towards adopting a more sustainable model. 

Elior is committed to UN Sustainable Development Goals n° 12: "Responsible consumption and products", and N°13: "Fight against climate change".

"Our responsibility is directly related to issues concerning food waste and greenhouse gas emissions. This is why we choose to measure the concrete impacts of our local, regional and national actions on the climate and the use of natural resources, and to communicate our findings in a completely transparent manner. This approach enables us to make daily progress with all of our stakeholders and to promote the transition of consumer eating habits. "

— Aurélie Stewart

Elior Group CSR Manager


To promote an operational and regional approach regarding the circular economy, the Group's action is structured around three objectives.

The fight against food waste

Our actions

Limiting waste and
recovering organic waste

Our actions

Managing water and
energy responsibly

Our actions

Management indicators

  1. The number of sites sorting their bio-waste
  2. Coverage of diagnostic and anti-waste action programs
  3. The percentage of renewable electricity consumed